A woman who got ‘disgracefully drunk’ has been jailed after she had sex with a teenage boy then accused him of raping her.
Mandy Stubbs, 36, kissed the boy on his neck and cheek despite his requests for her to stop what she was doing.
However, she then ‘flopped on top’ of him, undid his trousers and started performing a sex act before they had intercourse.

But when he went to police, she accused the boy of coming onto her and said that she had been raped.
Stubbs, from Murton, County Durham, denied three counts of sexual activity but eventually accepted one count and the trial was abandoned.
However, she maintained that the boy had made advances towards her, but her defence lawyer Jane Foley said that this was no longer the case.
Miss Foley said: ‘The defendant was very intoxicated at the time the offence took place and, whatever limited recollection she has is not just limited, it’s distorted.’
However, Judge Jonathan Carroll said: ‘She’s directly accusing this boy of two counts of rape.
‘I take it as a case of her having little or no remorse. She will be sentenced on the basis that she’s pointed the finger of blame at the complainant.’
Jailing her for four years and eights months, Judge Carroll said while ‘disgracefully drunk’ she, ‘inflicted sexual contact’ on the boy, ‘to satisfy your own sexual desires, with a complete disregard for his needs.’
Stubbs will now be subject to registration as a sex offender for life and restrictions under a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, indefinitely.