The Association of Power Generation Companies, APGC, Thursday, said
it has the capacity to generate 12,000 MW to reduce the electricity
needs of Nigerians.
Joy Ogaji, the Executive Secretary of the association said the
generation companies have an installed capacity that could provide
12,500 MW of electricity to Nigerians.
“Then they have an available capacity of 8,000 MW. Out of that 8
,000 MW, Transmission Company or the transporter that can take this
power from us to give to the distribution has a capacity of maximum
5,500 , which is what they claim, but we believe they can ’t take more
than 4,500.

“A system stress test that was conducted on the distribution lines
shows that the distribution companies (DISCOs ), can take a maximum of
4,600 MW.
“With the available capacity , I have 8 ,000 MW if I say okay, come and take no one can take ’’.
On current reduction in power generation despite its capacity to
produce more, NAN reports that Ms. Ogaji noted that paucity of funds
hindered GENCOs from procuring gas to fire their power plants.
“For now we don ’t have vandalism problem but inability to pay for
gas. How do we pay for the gas (when) my people were paid a week ago for
the electricity generated in January.
“And when they put 100 percent on the grid , maximally they have been
paid 30 percent , of the money this is one of the issues,” she said.